Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hedda Hopper/ TMZ/ or Congo About Town

You younger folks are trying to figure out who Hedda Hopper is and you "mature" folks are trying to figure out what TMZ stands for and I'm just trying to tell you "What's Up Doc?"

Celebrity News:

Dikembe Mutombo has been in town for his father's funeral. His father was from the Kasai and a Presbyterian. Mutombo is also known here for the hospital he had built in honor of his mother. He is still famous here and followed by all the children when he is in town. Several guests at MPH were invited to the Family dinner after the funeral.

Ken and Lenore Murray- Substitutes at MPH -were also seen about town. Latest excursion was the usual Wednesday grocery store trips searching for the best prices. ( Couple more weeks of this and they will be ready to play the Kinshasa version of The Price is Right!) This week they also had to go to Hassan Frere's Butcher to get over $900 in meat for MPH. When they got back with all of the raw meat - some of which was ground, the cook asked Lenore which was the pork. She all but answered, " the one that oinks or squeaks when you pinch it." But those Patient Panties, she talks about so often, kicked in and she just smiled and said she did not know.

The Sound of Music:

The First United Methodist Church of the Ngaliema Communite' and the Pentecostal Church had their usual Wednesday night Sing Off/ Scream Out. The residents of MPH are in between the two churches and their electric sound systems were up full force. A winner was not declared but ear plugs were mentioned  at the MPH supper table for next week.

A week old copy of USA Today was turned into the office. Have you ever listened to the sound of the turning of the pages of a newspaper?  A sound we have not heard in almost a month! It sort of swuushed. We even read the adds! Did you know that ... naw I won't do that to you. ;)

Roofing History in Pictures:

Then and Now - Can you tell which is which?

Transportation News:

No Burlington Northern here! Or Southern either!!
Can't keep track...
 Won't go far. There is talk of trains but then they realize the cars and the people may not stop for it. They don't stop now for each other. The crowds of cars and people in a town of 10 million are always swarming and stop for nothing!

New bus service Scheduled to Start:
 Five hundred buses are to go into service on 30 Juin- Independence Day. Also notice as you go about town the covered Bus stops and steel benches the government has installed.The bus will cost three times as much as the Squish  People taxis currently in use. Many workers will not be able to afford the new buses.. Time will tell.

Employees of the Month at MPH:

 Papa Pierre and Papa Mata after serving 63 people for Lunch on Monday and Tuesday!
Also brought in to help was Papa Pierre's daughter Bridget. According to Kitchen gossip she has had five husbands and has nine children. She helped ground the manioc flour and make bedia.

Seen About Town :

Ken Murray at Nouvelle Patisserie with new friend Angelle. She is a Lulua and speaks Tshiluba.The Murrays also made friends with Tom from England -here to work with palm oil and rubber plantations- and another Congolese who knew the David Laws. Small world!

 Can You Top (or Bottom) This Story:

There are two types of toilet paper at MPH. Rouge and Blanc. Rouge is in the common Restrooms and the dorm rooms. The Blanc is in the Private rooms. Both are like rolls of crepe paper. I am not kidding! TEven stretch a little! The Blanc is a little softer but it ain't Charmin. But at least there is toilet paper. Where ever we go I have to have packages of Kleenex in my purse. They sell it along the streets at your car window when you are caught in traffic.

Embassy News Sent to our Phones and Emails:

We are in Kinshasa and it is in Goma. Congo is three and a half times larger than Texas. (Sorry, Texans!) So that is a long way away from us.

Security Message for U.S. Citizens - “Ville Morte” Protests In Goma

June 27, 2013
Civil society groups in the city of Goma, North Kivu are organizing a “ville morte” protest on June 28, 2013 to express disapproval with what they view as the lack of progress with road improvements in the city. They are asking everyone to avoid going to work, particularly within the professional sectors. In March 2013, the same groups led a similar protest, and some roads in Goma were barricaded. There were also small acts of violence in the streets. We wish to remind U.S. citizens that even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and possibly escalate into violence. U.S. citizens are therefore urged to avoid the areas of demonstrations if possible, and to exercise caution if within the vicinity of any demonstrations.

It took me about twenty minutes to write and three hours to get the pictures in!! Gurr!! Have a great weekeknd! Love ya! Me

1 comment:

  1. Goma would not be on my itenary any time in the next year or two. So, too bad. Cannot go there. Think I could try to find that one morsel of fine dining in a fishhead first. Happy scratching with the tp. Miss your phone waves! Love you, Grams and Papa
