Saturday, June 15, 2013

Saturday at MPH- 15,Juin, 2013

Today was a relatively easy work day. Worked until noon. Had some reservations and changes to deal with, Kabanza got my office mopped and dusted and we visited with folks in the sitting area. Since the drinks are under lock and key, there are knocks on the apartment door when folk want a soft drink. We had a conference of Doctors today -23 of them. Tulane put it on. So lunch was Congo food. (So was yesterday and it was chicken- recognizable chicken quarters.)WELLLLLL. I had to do more than Patient Panties! I had to reach WAY back into my Souuuuthern upbringing and Chaaarrrm School and remember my "take a tiny bite routine" and hide IT under my rice, greens and french fries. (Have I mentioned they do CARBS here?- especially on Congo food at lunch.) So I looked at it and it looked at me, I smiled at it and -I'll be darned if it didn't smile right back at me! A big toothy grin- a sort of frozen- I mean cooked in place smile! Inside his/her head was all the stuff you'd expect to find there and a little bit of meat just past the head and before the first gill. Get the picture? Well if not here it/they are! (Can you imagine the accountant at Tulane when he gets the bill for Fish Heads as a meal!!!)

Fish heads for lunch! And no, they did not taste like chicken!

I am now doing some laundry before supper. I have not gotten where I give my "ladies dainties" to the laundry boy. Not sure why- but feels weird giving orders to the guy that does your panties etc. ;-0 Ken doesn't get it- but ladies- you do - don't you?

Our American bodies not use to all of this fresh and homegrown meat and chicken, our bodies are sort of in shock. One of Ken's Lubbock doctors had told him we would be surprised how well our systems would be ONCE they got use to all of this fresh and no harmone stuff in the products. Well, we are still on the "getting use to" stage.
(A really cheap colon cleanse!) Sorry but it is what it is!! ;)

WHEW!!Here is what is for breakfast tomorrow! Only fresh ones! (I took this picture last week of the sweet rolls Papa Mata made for us). They have  also served us a homemade granola that is out of this world. So good!! All has been great except  "The Smilers"! The Pelepele Sauce is good but - have I mentioned HOT? (Randy,Clint and Jon, I will try to get some out of the country for you three- the " that's not that hot guys!"

We have electricity here in Kinshasa. It works pretty well. However, MPH has a huge generator that comes on automatically if it goes off. There is a night light in the dining room that stays on if it is Kinshasa Electric and if it is off it's the generator. Then if it is off for a long time the sentries have to monitor the mazute/diesel and go get it as needed. And I have the $ for that in the safe. More knocking! ;)

 Everything is on a surge protector. If it is a heating implement you have to plug it into a transformer- now I know! If you don't -this picture shows what happened to my curling iron our first morning. I had it in the adaptor. When I heard Sizzle and then the smell and then saw my missing hair and melted iron. OOPS!  Did not cry or even say a dirty word. No one knows the "lady with the bald spot in her hair" here anyway! Just ran to unplug my computer and phone! But they were fine.So bought a new curling iron at the store here and it works fine in these plugs.Won't work in the US- oh well!

I am off for the night. We are going to English church tomorrow. Have a ride with the Streshleys- who live here  at MPH in the other apartment while their house is being built. Church starts at 11:15 or when the French service is over. ;)  So have a great evening! Love Ya! Me

1 comment:

  1. Fish heads! Yum. Remember that recipe. (OK, I'm bluffing.) But the sweet rolls look delicious.

    You guys are doing so well with the language, money exchange, shopping and hotel management! And lots of good stories. Keep it up.

    Meanwhile, I am sitting in Ken's big chair as I type this. We've enjoyed the weekend with the girls. It's lovely here at the lake. Thanks for the hospitality. We played Out of Africa last night and thought about you.
    Betty & Ron
