Monday, June 10, 2013

" Scenes" of Long Ago

Taking pictures in town is a major no-no so I do it out of the car while we while we are moving. So what you see is what I got. Getting pictures into these blogs is a chore- and reading on line I am not a Dummy. Many are frustrated. So I am going to try to skin this cat another way or I will give up! Since pictures  are what you are asking for..... bear with me. It is as if the clog- I mean blog- thinks I should only include three pictures and then it gets an attitude and won't let me do captions and it puts pictures in sideways or upside down! SO here we go! (If anyone knows a cure for this, let me know in"baby talk" technology.) Get ready to stand on you head if I give up. First up is the first selection of LONG ago pictures. They warm our hearts so thought we would share them with you. More later in our stay and my ramblings.

Long ago at Lubondai:
Central School for Missionary Children

Saunders Home - don't remember it this small! 
Lubondai Church- many hours at Native church downstairs and Evening Church upstairs!
Girl Scout Troop at CS. I sent out bids to keep me from publishing this, but no one paid enough!;)
So, see who all you can name. Oh My Dear!! Love the hair-dos!Lovely Ladies,how we have changed!! Remember making the skirts for a badge?

Long ago at Bulape:

Murray's Home- much larger than mine!!:)

Bulape Church - Betty Lou (who died at age 9 of Polio is buried at Bulape) and Marcia Murray in front of the church.

 Bakuba cloth being woven!

This is it for today. I am sending it out and will do more as I can. Now that we are in charge I don't have as much time to ramble during the day.Will try to get to the Rest Hour that Clay and Cindy kept as soon as we figure out what we are doing. All in all our first day went very well. Ken had to change a light bulb and and turn on an air conditioner. A large group arrived and we knew three of the eight - missionary kids from long ago (Lillibet Vass, Sara Gay Stockwell and Jimmy Shafe) and  two were Texans - so we knew five!  ;) Their driver and guide is from the Kasai and his dad was a missionary cook at Lubondai,Katabue (SP!?)and Kananga. Name was Ngandu.
We are having a ball. Have a great evening! Later,ME


1 comment:

  1. I love that you're having a ball! And you're doing fine on the photos. Since I've never done Blogspot, I can't help there, but if you have a lot of photos, you can always put them on Flicker or some such and post a link in your blog. Keep going. You're doing great! Enjoy. Enjoy.

    We're excited about going to the lake on Thursday to spend a few days with the kids. We'll talk about you guys! Love, Betty
