Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Have I Told You Lately?

                            Have I Told You Lately?

Thank you for being the love of my life.
Our choices of the heart have made me.
Forty five years is not enough
For me to know the depth of your love for me.
I don't know if I will ever truly know
 the beauty of your love for me.
So at least forty five more years are my goal.
Our love is well tempered by the years.
Happiness has always been your gift to me.
Your love for me is there again and again.
You give me pure delight!
When you chose me-It's the thing I hold most dear.
You make my world.
You make me,me!
In your eyes I have been able to see what I can be.
Because of you -Our love has been happy,sure and strong.
Our years together are my blessing!
We have been together so long that I can see
The memories of our years together in just your shadow as you pass!
With you my happiness has been without end.
Forty five years are not enough
So let's begin- the next forty five- Let's begin again!!
 I love you, Ken! 
Thanks for the Memories!!


  1. We are blessed to have you both as friends. Devine planning brought you two together to have such a unique 45 years and the backgrounds that brought you both to your current adventure together. May your next 45 be as rewarding and special. Love you both. Love your sharing tales. Gerri and Bernard

  2. Just beautiful, Lenore. Congratulations to you both!! And I love that wedding photo. I guess you know you look like Callie and Ken looks like Clint/Jon.

    Wishing you another happy 45, Love, Betty
