Friday, August 2, 2013

30. Central School "Kids"- Do You Remember? The Good,The Bad and the Ugly? (And the Opinions Run the Gauntlet!)

Sitting here in the quiet of a MPH afternoon I began to contemplate the things you have all written to me about of your memories of our times long ago here in Congo. Don’t know about you, but I can see it all through an almost movie screen of my mind. Snippets pop in and out and yet other things are the full experience memory- where I can almost hear the voices of long ago. Many of us have great memories and many of us have bad ones and others of us are in the middle with both. (I remember as a teacher some of the meanest critters on earth were my student’s classmates and it was really no different when we were kids on another continent.) For some of us it still hurts. For others of us- we have chosen to move on and let go of the hurtful things (and I agree -some were AWFUL!!) and just hold the good ones close. Maybe I am a Polly Anna but I like pleasant memories better so those are closer to my heart. My greatest blessing is being married to Ken Murray who always sees the good-even in the very worst.

So I want to share the things that bring a smile to my heart. So none of these are negatives-to me.

Do you remember Uncle Ben Kelly?

Do you remember Aunt Mariah Hertwig?

Do you remember Mama Combs?

Do you remember the twinkle in Muambi’s eyes on a Friday night just before he released us from Study Hall?

Do you remember Uncle Plummer Smith and his glass eye and the things he told us he did with it in villages?

Do you remember our Babas who took care of us?

Do you remember “going Steady?”

Do you remember Paper Dolls named after Senior Class “couples?”

Do you remember learning to play Rook, Canasta and Bridge from the upperclassmen on weekend nights and holiday nights when they put up with the younger of us because their peers were gone and they needed a fourth?

Do you remember learning English as a Second language- before the term even existed!?

Do you remember going across Lake Munkamba to get Pommes Frites- served with mustard?

Do you remember the sound of a palm tree just before the storm?

Do you remember Juke Joint and the music and the smells?

Do you remember Bobby Pruitt playing Tchaikovsky on the piano and us begging -”Play it again, Bobby! “And he did until his poor hands ached for days? Thanks Bobby. I still love his music because of your gift on the piano.

Do you remember getting an ivory heart instead of a class ring to “go steady”?

Do you remember scouring The Jungle Log to see if anyone wrote about you?

Do you remember having strange pets?

Do you remember always feeling safe no matter where you were?

Do you remember”Working in the Garden?”

Do you remember calling everyone” Aunt and Uncle” and knowing them better than your blood kin?

Do you remember the smell of the first rain of Rainy season?

Do you remember toombellies/peanuts for recess?

Do you remember fighting with your brothers and sisters to get the hard centers from the slices of pineapple?

Do you remember saving the mango seeds and making doll heads out of them and the poor dolls always had a “bad hair day?”

Do you remember who wrote a note to Aunt Effie “  Dear Ant Efe, What shall I is do?”

Do you remember how we kids drank and ate what was almost forbidden and went places that were forbidden and lived to tell about it?

Do you remember going to the village on market day?

Do you remember a moustache painted on a village’s Virgin Mary Statue and the fire storm that created?

Do you remember Uncle Kemp Hobson being brought in baskets and the Lubondai doctors saved him and got him back together again?

Do you remember mango sauce, belibeli pie and guava jelly?

Do you remember the beheaded chicken getting loose and running briefly without its head?

Do you remember your first trip to World Mission Meeting in Montreat and sitting on the front porch of the World Mission Building?

Do you remember the skating rink, Club’s arts and crafts, and square dances in Montreat?

Do you remember rest hour after lunch?

Do you remember basketball games between the CS boys and the Katubue (sp!) high school boys?

Do you remember Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts?

Do you remember Aunt Liz and Uncle Maurice?

Do you remember Aunt Lavern, Aunt Mary Talley, Aunt Jackie Speigner and Aunt Nancy Dimwitty Morton?

Do you remember the first time you stood up to sing at church in the USA and the words to the familiar song came out in Tshiluba?

Do you remember being asked to say the Lord’s Prayer in Tshiluba and couldn’t remember all the words and you had only been in the states a short time?

Do you remember the pearly white smiles of the kids?

Do you remember a Congolese lady walking past you and if asked you could not have answered whether she had a top on or not?

Do you remember using Poinsettia juice as glue?

Do you remember ….Congo?

P.S. Make your memory list to add to mine. Post it on Congo Connection. It’s fun! It  will make others smile too. Have a great weekend!
Love Ya! Me

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