Saturday, August 31, 2013

42. Missionaries


Lenore Murray 2013


Life offeres them the opportunity.

They are someone who bravely goes into those “dark” areas of the world to spread the Truth.

It takes great courage, stamina and endurance to answer the call.

It is a job that follows a narrow, rough, and often “rocky” journey.

Many times what they do is a lonely walk.

They see the faces of fear and sadness.

No one but them chose to take this specific journey.

Once they choose this path they never turn back.

Lives are changed – many lives-forever.

Their path goes on and on.

They stay the course in spite of “ wounds” and exhaustion.

As their life’s journey continues they may be weakened but not broken.

They may take only a few exhausted steps forward. But stop? Never!

Rested- they will always forge forward.

Their mission continues.

Then the day comes when a battle is won!

The battle for a soul is theirs!

They are filled with new energy.

They are one with the Spirit!

They go with new energy to show more The Way.

They are the living example of the Truth of their God.


 Mexican Stack with Arab Bread used as Tacos went over very well.  All the bowls of other items to add  to the Stack were almost gone. The cooks were thrilled to get to leave 45 minutes early!  The cobbler from the Rose Apple tree was  also very good.
Apparently some of you thought something was missing from the container.We got it all and it is all in the halls and Little Conference room.  I guess my saying we sent one of our guys to guard it so it would not go missing was missunderstood the way I said it. Sorry for your heart attack!  So rest assured we got all that was supposed to be there. Inge had the packing slip and was checking off every item as it entered MPH. The tools etc are here in the apartment tool room. Heavy!

Have a great Sunday! Texas Tech won! Yea! Nervous with the A&M game. All we know is the score every so often. Surprised at Kansas State!

 Love ya! Me


1 comment:

  1. Missionary work is definitely a calling that takes courage, stamina and endurance! Very well said.

    And as you know by now, A&M won, too! Traffic was fierce around here. Bet there wasn't an RV spot to be had in B/CS. Go Aggies!
