Friday, August 23, 2013

38. Oh, Dear, What Can The Matter Be?"

38. “Oh, Dear, What Can The Matter Be?”

Security Message for U.S. Citizens - Fighting Resumes Around Goma

August 22, 2013

U.S. Embassy Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

The U.S. Embassy in Kinshasa alerts U.S. citizens that fighting between the Congolese army (FARDC) and the rebel group M23 has resumed near the city of Goma in the province of North Kivu. According to reports, FARDC, Monusco, and M23 have exchanged artillery and mortar fire in several positions near the city. Three explosions have occurred within Goma proper: one in Virunga quarter behind the Goma prison, one at Virunga Market, and one in the harbor area. The fighting is ongoing and the situation remains extremely uncertain and fluid.

The U.S. Embassy strongly recommends you avoid travel to the province of North Kivu., including the city of Goma. The U.S. Embassy currently reviews travel requests by official personnel to North Kivu on a case-by-case basis, and has currently withdrawn all official personnel from Goma.

Well, I guess Senator John and Cindy McCain and others won’t be going to Goma!  Always something up there but it is really far from here. So life is same ‘ole same ‘ole here!

 In the life of MPH- our life at MPH – this week the lights from the city have come and gone several times. No problem because we have a Generator that comes on automatically. The water has had an attitude a couple of times and Larry was able to deal with that. It must be funeral season- Uncles, Mother-in-laws, and brothers have died so different folks are missing each day. Then add to that the usual –“Mama, I am sick, child is sick, So-and-So is not coming,  I need to see doctor for a prescription for my malaria medicine”… etc. There have also been several funerals in the village behind MPH and those last days and they are quite loud at night.

If I recall this is the Montreat weekend gathering. We’ve never been- a tad far from Texas for less than 24 hours. Maybe some time- I think Marcia has gone. I told Dave Miller I don’t do Reunions anymore. (Two- one family and one not- were more “fun” than I like to mess with!!)  So have fun guys and enjoy Native food!! We are loving the Native food every day here at MPH for lunch!!

While I was out to get groceries on Wednesday my office mate agreed to let 9- yes 9!!- rooms empty Sunday morning and be all changed and ready by 6 that night for guests. Problem is we have no house help on Sundays! OOPS!!   I all but PITCHED both a hissie fit and a conniption fit when she told me. (Doing all of that on a Sunday–myself- is way above my volunteer pay grade! ;) ) Seriously-we got two of the guys to agree to come in for double pay and get it done. Don’t know if with all of that to get done whether we will make church or not on Sunday. Gurr!!

Have a cute little couple from Minnesota staying here off and on for a month. They are in their late seventies and she repeats almost all for him because his hearing aids don’t help. He preached several times with a translator. They have been able to see lots of friends from when they worked here 26 years ago. Now they are up country for two weeks in the area where they lived long ago- and as she left- by car!!- she told me she thinks this part will be about 12 days too long! ;) So anxious to see how they fared with no running water, Americanish accommodations or food. They are due back the 31st!

On Facebook we have been thrilled with the pictures – of the “Big 5” from a Safari trip taken to Kruger in South Africa by some Lubbock friends.  Guys, please send me the name of the tour group etc. It is on MY bucket list and soon it will be my turn!! Thanks so much for sharing!!

Yesterday –after seeing how many cucumbers we have from the garden, I decided to head to the kitchen. I taught the cooks how to make Cucumber and Onion Salad with sugar and vinegar dressing. The guests all scraped the bowls clean at supper. It really turned out well. So I came in and used Google Translate and put the recipe into French. Well, the cooks were amazed I could do it. I finally fessed up to them how I did it!  “ Ah,Mama!!” Then Inga came in this morning and asked if Ken and I would please cook Texas BBQ chicken and the fixings for a BBQ on the patio tomorrow night. So here is the Menu! BBQ Chicken, Boon Tavern-Kentucky Spoon Bread, Glazed Carrots, Fruit Salad, and Coke Cake! May even try to work in some Sweet Iced Tea!!

Well, hope you all enjoyed Samson’s story.

Have a great weekend!

Love, ya! Me

1 comment:

  1. Excellent menu! I'll be right there. (I wish.) And I hope the couple from Minnesota doesn't wander into any gunfire on their trip up north. (Not that I have any idea where North Kivu is.) Be sure to do a follow-up on them when they return. Love, Betty
