Saturday, September 14, 2013

46. Here Are Some Songs That Are Beginning To Fit the Occasion

 Can you “Name That Tune” that deals with Leaving, End of The Trail, Traveling, Going,          etc (And Yes, the songs I am choosing- Date ME!! But since most of you are my age OR older- good Luck!!) And YES some may be- writer and song - used more than once!! ;)) Haven’t decided yet whether to give the answers in this Blog or the next!  OR a Multiple choice/Match deal! Tee Hee!
Willie Nelson                              
Yellow Card                                 
Rascal Flats
Mary Chapin Carpenter               
John Denver                             
Dandy Don Meredith
The Animals                               
The Beatle                                      
The Who
Willie Nelson                          
Peter, Paul and Mary                        
Ray Charles
Irving Berlin                               
Van Morrison
The Birds                                                               

So here we are on a Friday afternoon and Ken and I and the Chauffeur will go out to Spices for Indian Food tonight. I am more than ready for a weekend- though we seldom get a whole one with all of the comings and goings of MPH. Our Apartment door sounds like Woody the Woodpecker lives on the other side!! But hey, that’s why we get the big bucks!!

This week’s big conversation was all about the Miranga Tree. I have some seeds to bring home. It’d probably do better in San Antonio than at PK but I am going to at least try it in a pot and see. They say if I cut it back in the fall and mulch it really well it might make it if we don’t have days and days of freezing weather.  It grows multiple feet a year.  Makes great hedges also by keep topping it! It is also called The Tree of Life and cures everything but hangnails. I just like that it grows fast! Every one of the Congolese I ask about it knows its healing qualities. I want a shade tree and so we will see! Here they cut it all but down each year and back it comes. Also does this in Savannah and Florida. So we’ll see.
One couple is here waiting for their plane to be flown/ferried over from Bangor, Maine. Then they will take it up country to their area. He is helping build new roads for the government. They are building a new home and it sounds lovely. First they cleared the land, then made the brick, then mixed 110 bags of concrete and stuff for the main floor, (still have the pantry and kitchen to go) and hope to be in by November! Lots of stuff for the house is being put in a Container and it will leave the States soon.
Two other couples here are looking for a home to live in in Kinshasa. Prices are nuts or the place is a dump! So they are facing the facts and having to make choices about where, cost, safety, amenities- which here means the number of rooms- nothing come in it- you add all that- as toilets, stove etc! One of the men heads out next week for work and the other is already gone. So it’s like we athletic wives do- find a place, go get the old furniture, move it all, set it up and have dinner on the table- oh and take care of the kids and get them enrolled etc!! ;) And the Beat Goes On!
I started training a new house guy today. The one room that needed changing and that I could use as a teaching tool for him and a review tool for the other man was up in the dorm area and that is where there are no ACs. I was a “dewy” mess when I finished giving guidance. I was so pleased because the regular guy taught the new guy just like I had shown him to do!! Yea!! Progress- maybe!! So I just oversaw it all and died of a heat stroke! This new guy is the one I suggested to use when we don’t use him two half days a week in the kitchen as a sous chef. So we have a guy that it turns out has done housework and kitchen work before! He was thrilled to get a full time job. We used him when the Frenchies were here and Ken and I liked his work ethic. So now all bases covered when we have folks out with malaria. Which is surprisingly often! REALLY sick!!! On Monday he will have two rooms all by himself and then I will go and do the “White Glove Test” as Bonka use to call it!  He is to spend all of next week with me monitoring him and then he is off on his own. I will also use them both to clean cupboards and Armoires and scrub the kitchen floor. So it is a busy cleaning week again. I keep telling them we are a MPH team. So we will see!
Football Day in America!! BIG football day!!!And we are in Congo!!! Bummer!! So keep me posted on the A&M game!! Have other favorites too but they don’t come on the scoreboard here until 1 and 3:30 AM.  
Tonight Larry is going to make Pizza again for us since there is a small crowd. I cancelled beans and rice for lunch and we are having left over Spaghetti. If I see one more bean until it is a bean burrito or frijoles at a Mexican restaurant I will scream. Also if anyone puts tomato sauce on anything but ITALIAN food I will scream louder! They have learned make brown gravy with the meats- not drown it in tomato sauce-at least till we leave!! “Pas de Tomate, Mama!”  ;)
I have learned that my not knowing most of the folks who stay here or ask for favors or come in asking for a room is a blessing in disguise. I just go with MPH policy. “Sorry, I can’t do that. It’s against policy or guidelines.” Some of those who stay here and or know folks here ask for favors or expect things to be done for them that are all but beyond possibilities for us. Stubborn ole me, I just say no. Sweet, kind and gentle Ken tries to accommodate all and it has then backfired on him several times. He is learning to say he will do things and just let it go. Bless his heart! And that Heart of Giving is why we all love him so!! ;)
Guess what I found as an App!! A Count-Downer deal. So I am counting the days— till Christmas- 102 (so get to shopping! It’s almost Halloween so surely Christmas stuff is out in the U.S. stores already!), 75 until Thanksgiving, 36 until we are in Europe and 19 until we go see Marcia! The kitchen staff was amazed that my phone will just change the count each day for me!
The tailor comes back on Tuesday with all of the outfits we had made. We are looking forward to having something new and different to wear. I was down three outfits because of stains. Read on line and everyone said try Dawn dish washing liquid. I knew it was used to clean animals caught in oil spills. So I had lipstick, palm oil and grease from working in the kitchen on outfits. Bingo!! It all came out and everyone here had told me the palm oil would never come out!! Yea!!
Have an interesting lady engineer staying here. She worked for Boeing and is now with a Stove group for Third World countries. The stoves heat up on almost no fuel- just tiny pieces of twigs. It’s called a PekoPe which means “No Worries” like Hakuna Matata in Lion King. So it will be easily translated in the many different dialects here in Congo. They have two prototypes now and both have good and bad features so are making changes and DHL will deliver the next prototype in a day or so. She will then see if it does what is wanted any better. The stoves are tiny little things –a little smaller than a round classroom trash can.
 Lady Pastor and her daughter came by to get two suitcases left by a visitor that had left for up country. Her English was great and turns out she is from our area of the Congo. So we visited. As is typical she wants us to support her church. Had a great visit. She was delighted to meet us.
The Sthreshley house is really coming along. Amazing what has been done since we got here in June! Wow! June! That sounds so long ago! I would love to see it all done. However, pictures will have to do!
So here you go. Answers are scrambled. Mix and match!

“Funny How Time Slips Away”
“Turn Out the Lights, The Party’s Over!”
“We Gotta’ Get Out of This Place!”
“She’s Leaving Home”
“Leaving Here”
“Bright Side of the Road”
““I’m Movin’ On”
“Leaving Song”
“Leaving on a Jet Plane”
“Leaving Here”
“Hit The Road Jack”
 “ Blue Skies”

“On The Road Again”
“Leaving on a Jet Plane”

“ Miles Apart”

Have a Great rest of the Weekend! Love Ya! Me

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