Tuesday, September 17, 2013

48. The Villaga "Elder" Man

                                         The Village “Elder” Man

              Lenore Murray 2013


He stood as one with the land

A tall and stately silhouette against the Congo sky

Motionless and majestic he took his stand

Still- he stands-only penetrating eye movements

Alone he stands and no one dares speak

His heart sees the land as it was long ago

His eyes see the land as it is today

His gnarled hands grip his spear and his shield

Held with the tribal pride of long ago

He alone is hearing things

The sounds of the plains and the jungles near by

The sound of birds in flight and a moth when it lights

The sounds of generational tribal lore playing in his mind

Then as sudden as an African sun set, he is no more

Leaving quietly as a feather or a falling flambeau flower

The people never hear or see him go

He passes through his beloved land and leaves not a sign

As the night descends there is no proof he was ever there

But as the night’s shadows ebb, he’s back to stand sentinel

To guard the memories of his people so dear

The Village Elder Man

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