Wednesday, September 25, 2013

53. Mercy! Mercy! Mercy!

53.  Mercy, Mercy, Mercy!

The grandmother of some dear friends, that we got to know in Lubbock, were lucky enough to still have his grandmother alive for a long time- 90s+. We all called her “Granny Burkhardt” and she was a pistol and game for anything we all did!! Oh, could she laugh- “a Granny Burkhardt  laugh” at my antics! When she got really sick at the end of her great life- all she would say over and over were 6 words that became the Murray’s and Burkhardt’s favorite ones to say when life waslife! So as my last week is here- and no real back up and no telling what is up – it’s “Mercy, Mercy, Mercy! Lawdy, Lawdy, Lawdy!” time for me!
I think it has already started. Excuse me. I need to go to the apartment! Whew! Have the Patient Panties –now I can make it! We have 4 refrigerators and three are having some kind of issues today. So Jose is here. Since “trouble comes in threes”- maybe this is it!! Y’all keep praying!

Have a convention here-from the Methodist church next door- whose lead Pastor has been an absolute “Toot!” Not a Hoot! A TOOT!!!  I finally had to tell him how the Cow eats the cabbage and that Franklin Graham( they are using Franklin’s products) is a family friend and if he doesn’t want  me to write a letter to Franklin he’d better get his toot in gear- or polite words to that effect! He has given Helene and me both headaches every time we had to deal with him!  He is like a rug. He just lies there and here too!! But this too shall pass! Conference is over on Friday.
Marcia got in safely last night. It has been great to be with her. We are going out for my birthday supper. She and Ken went out with the chauffeur and got a bunch Marcia wanted. She’ll shop some more while we are out for the MPH groceries.

Did budget for two weeks today and signed all of the money and stuff back over to Inge.  Listed $ amounts and Sealed the envelopes and it’ll go back to Cindy. Now that I have figured all this budget stuff out I’m almost done. Isn’t that life! Once you figure it out- you are almost done! ;))
At breakfast we had with us a fascinating man from South Africa whose job is ferrying planes around the world. He just flew over a plane for Paul Law- leaving from Bangor Maine. It took twenty two hours flight time. I asked how he stayed awake and he said he took 20 minute naps. As the fuel is depleted, the plane changes pitch and it wakes him up. (So will a big splash!!) He said flying a single engine plane, alone across the Atlantic with extra fuel tanks strapped in it “earns him 37 extra Church points.” He said those were used up the first three miles in Kinshasa traffic. In the entire world he has never seen anything like traffic here. “The person with the most nose of the vehicle in has the right of way in any direction!” Then he said he flew with Paul -as the pilot -from the big airport to another smaller airport only three miles away and that earned him 320 more Church points! Paul has not flown in quite a few years- to say the least. This guy was a hoot with a lovely South African accent. Topic of Kenya Mall came up and he went to this comment:”I can’t understand these Muslims. You get a Christian all riled up and he gets a Bible and goes to Africa or somewhere and preaches to the Zulu or some tribe. When these fanatical Muslims get riled up they strap on a bomb and kill themselves and others. Makes no logical sense! Don’t they realize there aren’t that many virgins in the world?”

Weird. Just had a three inch rain. Three inches between every drop. So all it did was get things spotted. But it smelled great! “Be patient, Mama, it is coming for months and then you will want some dust instead of mud!” They ought to know!!
Bobby Pruitt wrote me: “Forgot about the spears at a madilu. But remember the sounds. Your house was close to the hospital entrance. Also near the five o’clock Tshondo. Miller Time so to speak.”

I’ll close for now. Day after tomorrow Clint becomes a Colonel. How proud we are and sorry we can’t be there!! LOVE you Son! So proud of you and your life!

Take care, All!

Love Ya! Me

1 comment:

  1. Good column, Lenore. Glad Marcia made it safely. Hang on to those patient panties for finishing up the housekeeping details at the hostel, and keep laughing. We're so proud of Clint, too, and don't worry, I'll send you some photos. Love, Betty p.s. Good rant by the South African! I totally agree.
