Wednesday, October 9, 2013

66. Day Trip to Lubondai


Day Trip To Lubondai
Lenore Murray 2013

Wow! What a day!

What can I say?

To see this station we’d had to go a long way.

We got up really early to get underway.

The sky turned beautiful colors from multi shades of gray.

Only 105 kilometers- by Congo standards- is very far away.

No cars on the road so we-minus ,chickens, goats, ladies and bicycles-always had the right of way.

The sand and mud in the “road” often made driving the car the devil to pay!

Because Lubondai is off the beaten track, no one had bothered to pave the way.

We all three knew we would have deal with come what may

Slowly but surely through the rough roads the car plowed away.

Villagers waved and finally got out of our way.

When we had to stop in a village- in the mirror of the hubcaps the kids did dance and play.

The palm, mango, avocado, coffee and papaya trees in the gentle breezes did sway.

As if to welcome us home- on our short day’s stay.

The village scenes- that matched my memories- took my breath away.

Former homes and Central School –not as bad as I feared-showed age and neglect’s decay.

The  many Children and I sang “Jesus Loves Me” and with other word game songs did play.   

We had a lunch of our picnic and the doctor and wife brought more foods as a buffet.

But we had a “get home before dark or rain” schedule so we could not delay.

The day was an array of memories that have now turned into a Special Bouquet!


Love Ya! Me

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